Ashley Roberts Bikini Pics In Malibu

Ashley Roberts Bikini Pics In Malibu

This news is Tuesday, August 24, 2009.she Pussycat Dolls singer, Ashley Roberts, looked fit and fine as she pranced around in a sexy black bikini top with an animal print bottom and a silk scarf in Malibu beach yesterday .Asheley is hot and sexy lady.she was very nise singer.Ashley Roberts looks fitas she pranced around in a sexy black bikini top with an animal print bottom and asilkscarf.

Pusscat Doll Ashley Roberts! She’s 27, she’s slim, she’s fit and cellulite-free! How do you all like her bikini figure? Check out the rest of the pics after the jump! ...Read the rest of Pussycat Doll Ashley Roberts in a Bikini

Ashley Roberts hot pic

Ashley  Bikini Pics In Malibu

Ashley Roberts Bikini Pics In Malibu

Ashley Roberts Bikini photo In Malibu

Ashley Roberts Bikini Pics In Malibu

Ashley Roberts Bikini Pics In Malibu

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