Bad Boys is Coming back to the Big Screen a Third Time


Remember the scene in Michael Bay's Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, where Sam is all over symbols on the walls of your room? Yes, we have tried to forget it. What might not have noticed is that Sam writes the number 3 on a poster for Michael Bay after another, Bad Boys II. And now we've learned that the study is to advance the development of a third film, but the original crew return for more adventure?

THR reports that Columbia Pictures has hired Peter Craig to write a script for Bad Boys 3 But the project is only in the early stages, and none of the participants have not yet agreed to return.

The hope is that both Lawrence Martin and Will Smith return along with director Michael Bay and producer Jerry Bruckheimer. Bruckheimer said in an interview that "When I was about two weeks to shoot back to go in Bad Boys II, Will and Martin were so good, who phoned (the head of studies at Columbia) and Amy Pascal said:" We want to enroll in a second. "So hopefully get them all again. "

In 2008 MTV Movie Awards, Will Smith says Holly Coop had an idea for Bad Boys 3, but added that "Michael (Bay) is very expensive now. It's too expensive." And the great obstacle - the cash to get back Will Smith, who has since exploded into a superstar, Bruckheimer, who never come cheap, and Bay, which is now used to collect toy freight rates Lucas - style.

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