Britney's Audience Drops It A Little Too Hot

Britney Hearing grind their way out of Arena : Britney Spears hearing Hey - let's keep the sexy beats and grinding on stage please.

Britney's Audience Drops It A Little Too Hot

According to The New York Post, Page Six, the audience at Brit Circus show in Madison Square Garden in New York on Wednesday, was told he was dancing Provocation.

An "I'm too sexy for this" concert audience member, Sandra Ion, told the newspaper: I think there has been a complaint from a person in our department that our dance was too bold. Meanwhile, Britney is rotating in the stage half naked and chanting "Get Naked".

It was completely ridiculous. They must have changed just complaining instead of us all. Ion said she and her group of dancers dirty miss three of the songs from Brit and place not pay.

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