Alexandra Wentworth

Alexandra Wentworth

Alexandra Wentworth is one of the famous American comedienne, actress and author, currently starring in Head Case on Starz, born on January 12, 1965.

She is the daughter of Mabel Cabot who was First Lady Nancy Reagan's social secretary in the White House and Eric Wentworth, a reporter for The Washington Post. She is also a granddaughter of the explorer Hanet Elliott Wulsin.

She appeared onstage in Sexual Perversity in Chicago and Fool for Love. Her movie appearances include Jerry Maguire, Trial and Error, Office Space and The Real Blonde.

Alexandra Wentworth to decide who had found their partners. Over the past five years, Mr. Stephanopoulos, ABC News analyst, the head in a fantastic apartment was shown in Architectural Digest and a former adviser to Bill Clinton, known as one of the most eligible bachelors in New York. Ms. Wentworth, a comic actor with a touch of Lucille Ball and the blond patrician good looks of a Boston Brahmin, was also seen as a prisoner. But he lived in Los Angeles.

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