Christina Milian Wedding Dress

Christina Milian Wedding Dress

The singer Christina Milian officially married music producer The Dream in Las Vegas last week, TMZ reported. The couple opted for a small wedding midnight in the legendary Little White Wedding Chapel the same place Britney Spears married Jason Alexander in 2004

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Christina Milian Wedding Dress so sexy beatiful.Not surprisingly, given the wide band as first reported, the two applied for a marriage license last month and things are only good for 90 days.

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According to Milian marriage certificate, saying both "I Do" at exactly 12:00 am on Friday.

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  1. I guess it was about time as they have been togather for a while? Any more pictures of the wedding dress?

  2. I've been browsing online for wedding dresses. I found two websites that have great dresses and at affordable prices. Has anyone bought from Hong Kong, or China, or anywhere overseas? I'm nervous to purchase a dress and have it be poor quality. I'm even more nervous that all the oversea vendors are just scams!!! I just need a budget friendly dress!!!
