Demi Moore Kutcher, professionally known as Demi Moore is an American actor. The actress Demi Moore reportedly denies rumors that she has had plastic surgery done. If you think I have a bridge to sell at a discount. Although I could not find the same article, Radar claims that this extract from the French edition of Marie Claire.
As for plastic surgery, Demi, 47, reportedly told the magazine: "It is totally wrong - I never had to do. I never judge those who have - if it is better for them, so I can not see a problem. But I like the idea of having an operation to stop the aging process. The knife will not make you happy. "
Demi when admitted to using blood-sucking leeches to keep her youthful glow. This, combined with regular visits to the plastic surgeon should.
Demi Moore Kutcher, professionally known as Demi Moore is an American actor. The actress Demi Moore reportedly denies rumors that she has had plastic surgery done. If you think I have a bridge to sell at a discount. Although I could not find the same article, Radar claims that this extract from the French edition of Marie Claire.
As for plastic surgery, Demi, 47, reportedly told the magazine: "It is totally wrong - I never had to do. I never judge those who have - if it is better for them, so I can not see a problem. But I like the idea of having an operation to stop the aging process. The knife will not make you happy. "
Demi when admitted to using blood-sucking leeches to keep her youthful glow. This, combined with regular visits to the plastic surgeon should.
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