Meet the Spike and Harmony of 'The Vampire Diaries'(video)

Meet the Spike and Harmony of 'The Vampire Diaries'(video)

The CW series Vampire Diaries might be the first break out hit of the new TV season, but with the subject matter, that's no big surprise. Meet the cast of the show and find out how they are riding the crest of the Vampire Craze and how the TV series will or won't be following the best felling novels. Plus news on the best selling comic in the last 30 days.

A new Transformers series, a Family Circus collection (come on, you know you love it) and Spidey is in Imax but what about 3-D.Press The Button to Get The Point! And be sure to stay on The Point via , RSS,MyPodcast.Com or Podbean!Follow us now on and !

Meet the Spike and Harmony of 'The Vampire Diaries'(video Here)

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