Party in the usa official video

Party in the usa official video

The wait is over as the official music video for Miley Cyrus one-party "in the U.S." has been debuted. Production of the images comes from the notification of the Disney star Facebook to see the music video released during the Wednesday, September 23 episode of "Dancing with the Stars."

The 16-year-old premiered her new music video during the Dancing With The Stars results show and says the theme of the video was inspired by the movie Grease.

"The video mixes old and new with vintage cars in a disco in the film and the dance moves of high energy and dazzling performance of Miley," read a message on the official website of Miley on the particular topic.

This track is said containing "semi-autobiographical" lyrics that revolve around her move from Tennessee to California. Miley showcased the song for the very first time at 2009 Teen Choice Awards in early August.

Here the video of party in usa by Miley Cyrus

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