pregnant woman pregnant again

pregnant woman pregnant again

Julia's two babies will be born apart, the first one will be born on December 2009, the second one will come by January 2010.julia of Arkansas who is two and a half weeks pregnant was found to be pregnant again. The woman was in a regular ultrasound visit to her doctor when the doctor found another fetus inside her womb. This means that 2 1/2 weeks after Grovenburg got pregnant, she got impregnated again. This is a very rare case and there has been only 10 cases recorded like this one.The second fetus is not the twin of the first fetus because the two are not of the same age; they have a 2 1/2 week gap in age. Can't believe it? But it's true, a pregnant woman pregnant again! This case of a woman who got pregnant twice in three weeks is an example of Superfetation, or conceiving while pregnant.

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