Sexy Bar Refaeli

Sexy Bar Refaeli

Bar Rafaeli is a glamorous and incredibly sexy 23-year old Israeli model who recently solidified her status as a supermodel.Rafaeli’s cover naturally caused a stir in the Israeli media who “were thrilled that another of [theirs] had made it big abroad.” Ms. Rafaeli though it not new to the spotlight in her country. She is the daughter of a famous entertainer and is in a relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio.

In the wake of the cruel photos that emerged from Gaza, many Israelis hope that the image of a young and fun-looking Israeli model would challenge the image of their nation - particularly in Europe - as being a militarized, religious and atavistic society.

Sexy Bar Refaeli pic


  1. Not sure how she is a "good image" for Israel. She has given several interviews in which she stated that, although she lied and entered a fraudulent marriage to avoid mandatory IDF service, that it is ok because "famous people have special needs" and that doing so "paid off big time". In one of her latest interviews in Singapore, when asked about it she said "it doesn't even matter, I don't even live there anymore". Wow, great example of a proud Israeli! She comes across as a selfish, spoiled bitch.
