Tim Tebow Concussion Video

Tim Tebow Concussion Video

Tim Tebow suffered a concussion after he was eliminated by Taylor Wyndham get fired in the Florida game against Kentucky Saturday night. Tim Tebow, 2007 Heisman Trophy winner, was taken by ambulance to hospital after showing symptoms of concussion after the hit. Tim Tebow injury video is, of course, all over the Internet. Tim Tebow was discharged yesterday morning and apparently it is doing things right.

The Heisman Trophy winner was hospitalized overnight and released Sunday morning. Coach Urban Meyer spent time with their key player in the hospital and remained in Kentucky at night, so the couple could return to Gainesville together.

Tim Tebow was hurt during the third quarter of Saturday's victory in Florida uneven in Kentucky, I wonder why the Heisman Trophy winner was still playing in the third quarter after a first quarter that saw Florida jump to a lead of 31-0. This is where the upholstery can sometimes state that the land, check out Tim Tebow suffered a concussion vs. the UK on this video.

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