The Unforgettable Movie

The Unforgettable Movie

Director: Arsala Qureishi and Sabrina Louis
Producer: Arsala Qureishi and Sabrina Louis
Writer: Arsala Qureishi
Cast: Raji James, Sofia Hayat, Chook Sibtain, Salman Qureishi
Director of Photography: W.B Rao
Editor: Asif Sheikh
Music: Ismail Darbar

The movie is about romance, mystery, mockery and changes. There is a man called Yash. He is a writer and a teacher. Yash teaches the people how to live. He has a firm belief in his teachings until the day he bumps into a woman named Padma, who cannot be changed by any kind of teachings.

She has no morals. Very secretly she reveals her true self to Yash. The saga revolves around the endless romance and love, which gets ugly in the end. Set in Mauritius where Yash and Padma live. Yash is writing a book on life. Padma disapproves his theories about life, as she says all are wrong. The movie ends with a shocking twist.

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