Melrose Place Season 1 Episode 4 s01e04 "Vine"

Melrose Place : The Director, Fred Toye, presents latest episode no.4 "Vine" from season 1, which airs on September 29, 2009.

Melrose Place Season 1 Episode 4

TV Series : Melrose Place
Title : "Vine"
Genre : Drama
Director : Fred Toye
Writer : Daniel Thomsen
Air Date : September 29, 2009
More Details : IMDB.

Melrose Place s01e04 Starring Cast :

  • Stephanie Jacobsen as Lauren Yung
  • Nicholas Gonzalez as Detective Marco Rodriguez

Melrose Place s01e04 Synopsis :

Jane Mancini, Sydney's older estranged sister, arrives in Los Angeles and announces that she inherited the building from Sydney. Being just as evil and devious as everyone else, Jane threatens Ella with blackmail unless Ella allows her to dress one of her clients for a movie premiere in a Jane Mancini original design. Meanwhile, Detective Rodriguez starts to ask questions about Violet's connection to Sydney. Violet escapes out of the bathroom window still unwilling to tell anyone about her belief that Sydney was her biological mother. Lauren and john meet up at a hotel bar after she's stood up by Toby. On leaving the hotel, Lauren is stopped by Wendi, who pimps out her employees in a "not so legal" deal with the hotel, and she threatens Lauren to stay away from the hotel and her business. But Lauren offers a compromise of her services to Wendi.

Melrose Place Season 1 Episode 4 (YouTube)

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