Mobile Phone Vibration a new Syndrome

Mobile Phone Vibration

HPVS (Human Phantom Vibration Syndrome) is a kinetic sculpture that considers the subtle, often-subconscious ways that mobile communication technologies shape our senses.

The title references the recently discovered Human Phantom Vibration Syndrome — a syndrome wherein mobile phone users become hyper-attentive to their mobile devices, often experiencing phantom ringing sensations even in the absence of incoming calls or messages. This work carefully orchestrates the vibrations of a collection of mobile phones to produce a familiar yet quietly-disturbing cacophony.

Then googling relieved me and i was surprised to see that i am not the only one, and there are tons of people who have experienced the same and possible explanation i got on the net after googling "Phantom cellphone vibrations also can be explained by neuroplasticity — the brain's ability to form new connections in response to changes in the environment.".

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