Mughda Godse Signed as Brand Ambassadar for Mysor Sandle Soap

Mughda Godse pics

Mughda Godse is one of the few actors in Bollywood today, who can be accredited with the success of wiping out the misconception that 'Models can't act'. Her smile is something that has to its credit the launching of more than a million ships (read 'brands').

We are indeed talking about Mugdha Godse, the lady who entered Bollywood with a bang, courtesy her superlative performance in the smash hit Fashion and who will very soon be seen in Jail and All The Best.

After lending her name to many FMCG products, Mugdha has now been signed up as the Brand Ambassador of the very famous Mysore Sandal Soaps. Asked about the endorsement, she replied positively by saying, "Yes, I am endorsing Mysore Sandal Soaps".

Looks like Bollywood stars are truly making hay while the sun is shining! Way to go, Mugdha!

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