Nick and I Have Already Chosen Baby Names : Mariah Carey

Nick and I Have Already Chosen Baby Names

Mariah Carey says she isn `t pregnant, but she and her husband Nick Cannon are ready when the big day comes.

Se `ve already chosen baby names - but won` t reveal them.

"We must keep the name secret if we tell everyone, can anyone use and then we have to change, so would not` t be as good ", the beautiful star, 39, said Tuesday on SIRIUS XM` s Morning Mash Up "We chose these names from long ago."

Cannon, 28, suggested a little could be on the road.

Asked his secret to a happy marriage, her husband of one year, he replied: "Lots of sex?"

Carey agreed that "of course," sex is crucial to their relationship, but "I` m shy. I don `t say these things. That` s where comes in. "

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