2009 Adam Lambert American Music Awards

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Adam Lambert dragging a woman during a test American Music Awards. Season 2009 8 "American Idol" 2 place finisher, Adam Lambert will be performing their new song, for evening entertainment "goes in the 2009 American Music Awards.

Judging by the pictures of the tests have come out recently, seems to be smokin hot. The award ceremony takes place at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles, California.

Other well-known artists to use to perform are: Whitney Houston, Taylor Swift, Janet Jackson, Rihanna, Jay-Z & Alicia Keys duet, and much more. In the picture (above), Adam can be seen dragging a woman on stage. You can say that it will be pretty wild.

His extraordinary long-awaited performance was the last of the afternoon, and found the singer characteristically bold and nervous. Before the show, spoke with MTV News, saying.HE said "It will be sexy, I think," he told MTV News about his performance in Sunday evening. "The costumes are incredible. I work with 10 dancers that I am so impressed. I was looking for some sensuality - five men, five women and all are incredible."

Here is the Adam Lambert American Music Awards Video (YouTube)

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