Directed by: Roland Emmerich
Written by: Roland Emmerich,Harald Kloser
Title: 2012
Genre: Drama,Sci Fi
Music by: Harald Kloser
Budget: $200 million
Movie Releases:November 13, 2009
Starring Cast:John Cusack,Amanda Peet,Danny Glover,Thandie Newton,Oliver Platt, Chiwetel Ejiofor,Woody Harrelson
2012-movie-poster-2009End of the World 2012 is an upcoming hollywood movie directed by Roland Emmerich.The film stars John Cusack, Chjwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt.
In the film a huge number of people have to deal with natural disasters like volcanoes , typhoons and glaciers.The idea for this movie might have come from the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, which could mean the end of the world ?
Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) is a divorced father who occasionally works as a limousine driver and a writer, while his ex-wife Kate Curtis (Amanda Peet) and children live together with her new boyfriend. In Guatemala reports start coming in of mass suicides in the Mayan jungles of people attempting to avoid the impending apocalypse.The IHC (Institute for Human Continuity), a secret organization, has realized the situation and begins constructing vast arks beneath the Himalayan mountains designed to withstand most natural disasters in order to save both humanity, significant species, and the greatest treasures of mankind for when doomsday finally happens.
The movie 2012 is written and directed by Roland Emmerich, who made mega successful films as “Independence Day,” “Godzilla” and “The Day After Tomorrow.”
“2012″ will released worldwide in theaters on November 13th 2009.
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