Gojeff Beck Bass Player

Gojeff Beck Bass Player, Gojeff Beck Bass Player photo, Gojeff Beck Bass Player photos, Gojeff Beck Bass Player image, Gojeff Beck Bass Player images

If you've seen the Crossroads Guitar Festival 2007 on PBS last night (I did), you're wondering who the girl was the bassist on stage, can not maintain its own game with Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, and other great musicians old enough to be her grandfather, practically.

Well, she is an Australian-born New Yorker Tal Wilke Feld, and bassist Jeff Beck was on the road recently. Adept in rock, jazz, funk and jam band music, Tal Wilke Feld has also played with jazz greats Chick Corea and the Allman Brothers Band, and has recently released an album of its own, called transformation, which is available as an import.

Tal Wilke Feld is in his twenties, but looking at the photos on your MySpace page or your own website (below), you have to guess it is just a teenager.

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