Hanuman Jayanti 2009

Hanuman Jayanti 2009, Hanuman Jayanti 2009 pics, Hanuman chalisa, Hanuman Jayanti 2009 pictures, Hanuman pics

Hanuman is the living embodiment of Ram-Naam. He was an ideal selfless worker, a true Karma Yogi. A great devotee and an exceptional Brahmachari or celibate. He served Sri Rama with pure love and devotion, without expecting any rewards in return. He lived only to serve Sri Rama. He was humble, brave and wise and possessed all the divine virtues never once boasting of his bravery or intelligence. Hanuman is an unsurpassed adept in Bhakti. His life is full of object lessons. Hanuman Jayanti falls on Chaitra Shukla Purnima (the March-April full moon day).

HANUMAN is worshipped all over India either alone or together with Sri Rama. Every temple of Sri Rama has the murti or idol ofSri Hanuman. Hanuman is the Avatar of Lord Shiva. He is the son of Vaayu (Wind-God) and Anjani Devi. His other names are Pavanasuta, Marutsuta, Pavankumar, Bajrangabali and Mahavira.

Hanuman symbolizes the qualities of an ideal devotee of God as follows :

H = Humility and hopefulness
A = Admiration
N = Nobility
U = Understanding
M = Mastery over ego
A = Achievements
N = Nishkama-karma

Here is the photos of Lord Hanuman :

Hanuman Jayanti 2009, Hanuman Jayanti 2009 pics, Hanuman chalisa, Hanuman Jayanti 2009 pictures, Hanuman pics

Hanuman Jayanti 2009, Hanuman Jayanti 2009 pics, Hanuman chalisa, Hanuman Jayanti 2009 pictures, Hanuman pics

Hanuman Jayanti 2009, Hanuman Jayanti 2009 pics, Hanuman chalisa, Hanuman Jayanti 2009 pictures, Hanuman pics

Hanuman Jayanti 2009, Hanuman Jayanti 2009 pics, Hanuman chalisa, Hanuman Jayanti 2009 pictures, Hanuman pics

Hanuman Jayanti 2009, Hanuman Jayanti 2009 pics, Hanuman chalisa, Hanuman Jayanti 2009 pictures, Hanuman pics

For Lyrics of Aarti Hanumaan ji ki click here.

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