Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor to promote his upcoming film 'Kurbaan' at a gala event on Tuesday. In the United States 'Kurbaan' is a romantic thriller with terrorism as a backdrop. Kareena said that the film gives a balanced dose of love, strength and emotion. " 'Kurbaan' is a very different type of movie is more like an English film. As to the question of the sentence, I can say it is because the film contains a lot of intensity and emotion, is gritty," said Kareena.
The film tries to describe the effect of subsequent bombings everyday life of the Muslim population in the United States after 11 September attacks on the Twin Towers. At this point, Kareena said that although the film deals in militancy, is a romantic thriller. "It has nothing to do with 9 / 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Although terrorism has as background, but the love story," he added. He has also promoted the film in private FM radio station.
Salim Merchant and Sulaiman Merchant have composed the music for the songs penned by famed lyricist and screenplay writer Prasoon Joshi who is also renowned in the world of advertising and marketing.
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