Develop By : Valve
Publish By : Valve, Electronic Arts
Released Date : November 17, 2009
New friends, more zombies, more Apocalypse. This is what Valve has promised and that is what the fans expect when they finally pick up the sequel to one of the best zombie game ever made. Left 4 Dead 2 was developed to capitalize on the massive success of the original game, adding new characters, campaigns and special weapons are infected.
With the latest Valve games finally in our hands is the last question ready to be answered: Does Left 4 Dead 2-pack of content and zombie-fun enough to justify splashing make a sequel less than a year after launching the original title.
Sights are not the best laser on Left 4 Dead 2nd The first time midway through the opening campaign, dead, not even the best in this room - the man who wants to cross the road and get some Coke. But they are a symbol of a broader change a game that looked to some like a cash income: while the Left 4 Dead get people coming to work, and a valve was nervous, reluctant to complicate things in it if people misunderstood Left 4 Dead 2 is designed to make most people actually have it, to have some fun with the concept. Because people really get it.
In the unlikely event that do not play the original Left 4 Dead 2 is a first person shooter designed for four players to play together. You choose one of four characters, select a campaign and then work with others to survive the zombie apocalypse is downloaded the game from the starting point and the last helicopter out of town.
The first game was a valve ballache to produce, but the results were easy for players to understand because he had good rules and systems worked well. At a fundamental level, he chose a big gun and a gun and fought zombies until they reached the next room safe, and then press a button on the end and defended against waves of enemies until help arrived. Behind the scenes on Valve has a lot of hard work. A "Director AI" varied extent and location of the enemy, depending on your skills, teamwork and experience, and level design remained on the defensive, with no idea where the next threat comes even as its left in no doubt where to go.
Go directly L4D2, players must take a number of differences, and infected with some new features are more noticeable. Melee weapons are sweeter than you might think, to treat Zombie, who hit a lot better (beats pushed). Some weapons are more effective and fun than others, the pot is fun to use, with its trademark "poor", but the short range and great damage during the long time since the deadly weapon as an ax or a Katana - or "ninja sword, "Nick calls it. Firearms can be updated now with a laser sight for improved accuracy and fragmentation or incendiary ammunition for the extra touch. Boomer bile (break-in-a-CAN) serves as an alternative to non-explosion of homemade bomb, and defibrillators and injections of adrenaline gives players the opportunity to revive dead allies or get a temporary speed boost, respectively.
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