Thanksgiving Day Parade Photos

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Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade has officially started the Christmas season with excitement, great fleet and great musical performances, the examiner wrote.

Play live in the coach of Jimmy Dean, 2006 American Idol finalist Katharine McPhee sang her new single, "had everything" from his upcoming album "Unbroken", according

Thanksgiving Day parade photos, Thanksgiving Day parade pics, Thanksgiving Day parade picture, Thanksgiving Day parade pictures

McPhee was persuaded by the now-husband Nick Coka and her parents to try out for American Idol. Audition in San Francisco, and sang "God Bless the Child", originally performed by Billie Holiday, reports Wikipedia. After the first round of Hollywood week, she sang "I'll Never Love This Way Again" by Dionne Warwick, who won favorable comments from the judges. During the second round takes place in a group, singing "I Can not Help Myself" by The Four Tops, forget the words, but the judges decided to move the entire group. During the third round, sung a cappella of "My Funny Valentine" and advanced to the top 40th I was mad because his friend Crystal Stark did not make the top 24th When told she would move forward, kissed all three judges on the lips.

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Run McPhee on American Idol led to the popular use of the term "McPheever" invented by Ralph Garman's morning show in Los Angeles radio station KROQ Kevin and Bean, according to Wikipedia. The producers including David Foster and singer Andrea Bocelli results as mentors for the Week Top 6 proved to be an accidental introduction McPhee, as she has worked with several musical projects with the two men after Idol.

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Ziggy Marley performed with his daughter Marley Judah for the parade, wrote. Apart from Catalina, Andrea Bocelli, Boys Like Girls, Alan Cumming, Billy Currington, Jimmy Fallon, The Roots, Gloria Gaynor, Emily Hughes is also performed in the parade.

The Macy's Parade has continued to grow through the decades in local and international popularity. It has had many features in movies and television with increasingly incredible floats. For a complete float list check out this.

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