World Touring Car Championship

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They had told us ten or twenty years will come to dominate the diesel motor racing, probably would have laughed in your face. But from the signature Audi territory through the acquisition of Le Mans with its R10 TDI, the benefits of competition from the burning of oil is above reproach. Not content to let diesel power dominate resistance sport, but a sister company headquarters last year, took the mantle of World Touring Car Championship with the Leon TDI.

World Touring Car Championship pics, World Touring Car Championship photo, World Touring Car Championship picture

As it turns out that use diesel became responsible for the Seat of WTCC rules reformatted to reduce the benefit of diesel. But the Spanish Society of cars (Spanish Touring Car Company) together, gathered his team and continued to dominate the World Touring Car Championship for the second consecutive year, reflected three of the titles in the same series this past weekend in Macau - the closest approach of China and Monaco in the final round of the championship.

SEAT won the constructors' title, beating rivals from BMW for three points and overshadowed Chevrolet small (with the new Cruze based on cars) and Lada. Footwear Home Seat, Gabriele Tarquini, have won the drivers' title ahead of teammate (and defending champion), Yvan Muller. As if that were not enough, pirate Tom Coronel took his Leon gasoline to ensure the independent 'Trophy as well, making it a resounding victory for SEAT triple and its crew WTCC. Details in the press release after the jump and images in this gallery of hi -res image below.

The championship has been very tough and intense and to beat two rivals as good as Yvan Muller and Augusto Farfus it has been essential to score in every race."

Race 1 :

  • Robert HUFF 23:02.627
  • Gabriele TARQUINI + 7.952
  • Jordi GENÉ + 8.996
  • Alain MENU + 10.328
  • Yvan MULLER + 13.534
  • Tiago MONTEIRO + 15.517
  • Rickard RYDELL + 16.618

Race 2 :

  • Augusto FARFUS 22:20.166
  • Jorg MULLER + 0.801
  • Yvan MULLER + 1.201
  • Tiago MONTEIRO + 1.980
  • Gabriele TARQUINI + 3.815
  • Jordi GENÉ + 5.018Rickard RYDELL + 6.721

Overall Classification :

  • Gabriele TARQUINI 127 Points
  • Yvan MULLER 123 Points
  • Augusto FARFUS 113 Points
  • Andy PRIAULX 84 Points
  • Robert HUFF 80 Points
  • Rickard RYDELL 64 Points
  • Jordi GENÉ 48 Points
  • Tiago MONTEIRO 44 Points

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