Rose Bowl Game

Rose Bowl Game

The Rose Bowl is an outdoor football stadium, Pasadena, California, near Los Angeles. Stadium is the site of the annual American College football Bowl, Rose Bowl Game, held at the beginning of the new year. In 1982 the area was home to the U.S. team UCLA Bruins college football in the Pac-10.

Equal terms to natural grass runs north-south configuration and is positioned at a height of 825 feet (251 m) above sea level. Stadium is a National Historic Landmark. It was designed based on the Yale Bowl in New Haven, Connecticut.

The Rose Bowl is best known in the U.S. for the conclusion of the Rose Bowl, the first and most famous football game play. It is played by Rose Parade on New Year's Day, or, if January 1 is a Sunday, the following Monday, January 2. The name of the stadium led to the term "bowl" game for all games, whether played in a bowl or in a "bowl" of the stadium name. The Game Rose Bowl is commonly referred to as "the grand daddy of them all" because of his stature as the oldest of all bowl games.

Rose Bowl Game pics

In 1998 Rose Bowl game a part of the Bowl Championship Series. 2002 Rose Bowl 2006 Rose Bowl game was also the BCS Championship game, matching the # 1 and # 2 Bowl Championship Series teams in the nation. In 2010 the BCS championship game will be played a week after the 2010 Rose Bowl game as a completely independent event Tournament of Roses.

Stadium hosts commencement ceremonies for John Muir High School and Pasadena High School. It is also home to the annual football game, home, called Turkey's struggle between Pasadena High School and John Muir High School in mid-November.

Rose Bowl Game photo

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