Game name : Batman: Arkham Asylum
Platforms : PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Genre : Action
Published by : Eidos Interactive
Developed by : Rocksteady Studios
Number of Players : 1
Release Date: August 25, 2009
The latest version of Batman: Arkham Asylum is one of the most anticipated games for 2009 years until a round of applause and a dunk in the back for doing a game with extreme graphics and a wonderful story.

Batman Arkham Asylum is a new video game recently launched in the U.S. for PS3 and Xbox 360, PC will also be available shortly. Before you give it. Batman Arkham Asylum tutorial puzzle challenges Batman Arkham Asylum, Batman Arkham Asylum traps, puzzles Batman Arkham Asylum, Batman Arkham Asylum guide, Batman Arkham Asylum results.
Batman Arkham Asylum game is the newest superhero to hit our consoles, has been in development for several years at the London Studio Rock Steady. With the voices of Mark Hamill, who is the Joker, Kevin Conroy as Batman and Arlee Sorkin as Harley Quinn, but there is no doubt that this dark history has much more influence of comics and the latest movies instead of cartoons on All these all-star cast.

Arkham Asylum is definitely a dark story through the game will welcome a disturbing dreams, wandering madmen and many other surreal moments, such as opening plastic bags to be given to parents of Batman, Nice. The main action begins when the Joker escapes after his arrival at the asylum, as soon as it happens, you are greeted with their first combat experience and his thugs trying to take down, these guys are, of course, easy to make, even without the help of the game, that tells you which buttons to push in the battle. At the beginning of the game is useful in the sense that you learn to counter, attack, power, and also perform Takedown, the move certainly very useful, but not be fooled into thinking that the game is about to fight, because there is much more than that.
Batman not be themselves without improvements and there are certainly plenty of deals here. Perhaps the gadget you will use most is huge, this allows you to climb on the ledges, and reach the field below. When combined with other devices the game and his vision of detectives (which lets you see the body heat, find enemies in space, and also determine if they are armed), can attract enemies in an isolated position to carry out all without being detected. You can use most of the gadgets we have in many ways, for example, later in the game will have an explosive aerosol, which initially will be used to spray on the walls before detonating weak, but you can also use this to their advantage when combined with its vision of detectives who will say to see if the enemies are behind the wall, and when they saw the boom is now under it. You can also use the spray in the melee, which is particularly useful when facing enemies with tazers, just dazed, foot spray, and then explode when they approach this because they fall to the ground and drop their tazers and therefore long enough to get him out, the work done.