Coolest Airports in the World

The Coolest Airports in the world Sponsor.

The coolest airports in the worldAirports are the Great Pyramids in the modern age, The major architectural monuments express both the pinnacle of human engineering and the frantic nature of our lives. Here are our favorites.

Coolest Airports in the world

Airport : The great architectural monuments express both the pinnacle of human engineering and the frantic nature of our lives. And while many passengers pass through the lounge and the security controls in almost catatonic that modern travel seems to create most modern airports, which are designed by leading architects, requires more than one jet nod recognition delayed. They command attention, respect and possibly a scale.

Coolest Airports in the world-1

Biggest Airport Builded on the Earth, Beijing Capital International Airport, designed by none other than Sir Norman Foster, has an area of 14 million square meters. Ridiculous? Maybe. However, with 4.8 million passengers arriving and departing from airports in the world in 2007, this monolithic structure may well be the shape and size of things to come.


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